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Bai Baby Ulo Owok

Bai Baby Ulo Owok - A Woman Leader Breaking Gender Stereotypes

Date Posted: April 1, 2023

In a world where women have been largely absent from positions of formal authority, Bai Baby Ulo Owok has broken the mold and emerged as a leader in her community. As a native Bagobo Tagabawa Tribe from Barangay Binaton Digos City Davao del Sur, Bai Baby has shown that women can be strong and visible leaders.

Bai Baby is not only a tribe leader but also a loving wife and caring mother to her family. Despite the challenges she has faced as an IP woman leader, she has persevered and succeeded in implementing self-governance in her community. She has also taken on the role of Indigenous People’s Mandatory and served as Chairperson of Binaton Bagobo Tagabawa Farmers Livelihood Association, leading the organization to grow from zero assets to millions.

In partnership with government agencies, Bai Baby and her fellow farmers have undergone training in organic agriculture production under the Coconut Farmers Scholarship Program of the Technical Education and Skills Authority. This training has equipped them with the knowledge and skills to produce healthy, organically-grown food for their families and community.

Bai Baby's mindset about leadership is to be an empowered leader today and to lead for more leaders for the next generation. She believes that women can be great leaders and is a living proof that leadership is not only associated with masculinity. Bai Baby Ulo Owok is a woman symbolizing power and a leader making a big difference in her community.